heees... looks like most people can't guess who the "girl" is horr... yays! >.< the more dunno... the better... hees... so nothing much happen today... got scolded by ah boey larr... tmd... people reading things maaa... than gu yi ask people answer question... >.< plus that F***ING GOHYINGRONG... still sit there talk to rachel... act like no one needs help... feel like punching her than chop into pieces larr... think you clever so wat... bao ding got other people bi ni chong ming larr... onli know how to get into the teacher's good books... GO BE A F***ING DOG LAR! aiyaaaa... soo vulgar... opps? heehehehe so stand there like some total useless ben xiao jie lor... HOHOHOHOHOHOOHOHOO... i chao royal de worr... hehess... chao reatard cann... than still must act guaii larr... ARGHHHH... okays... watever. watever. watever. SHUDUP. SHUDUP. SHUDUP. POSTED BY NATALIE AT
7:45 PM0 Comments
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
hohohohhooo... lols... so wat happen today? ohhhhh... got back my science... -.- got lower than before!!! sobs............... today got photo-taking too... hahas... i was sitting right next to ah boey... dots... -.- i figured i'll look ugly... hahahahahahahahahahahhaha... okay.watever... the photo-taking that time hor... it's like totally faithed larr... winnie stands next to eng liang.... charmaine stands next to calvin... LOLS! so fun... hahahahas... the onli two girls to stand next to boys... hees... ^.^ after recess... a "lady" came into my class with "her" friends... arghhhh... totally pissed me off... freaking got a grudge against "her" lor... just feel like bashing her up!!! opps? >.< WTF can! just because some of "her" classmates never bring tie hor... OF EVERY FREAKING CLASS. WHY THE F*** COME MY CLASS ASK FOR IT! >.< wahhh...nowadays chao vulgar... hehess... pardon me... but really lor... of every class that was on the third floor... why my class which was on the fourth! wanna freaking come my class flirt ar... -.- not even one bit pretty... still wanna boys like you... go die larr... ugly must admit it maaa... aiyooo... hees... ok... today did insult peeps on my blog... OPPS! hohohohoohoho... but i'm exhilirated! -.- it ain't use in that way ba... watever... ohhh.. wanna know that "girl"!!! her personality : #1 must bePOPULAR. #2 act CHIO. #3 wanna more guys LOVE her. #4 need to FLIRT for a living. #5 cannot stand not PETTY beating. #6 a total FLUNG in studies. #7 wanna guys PEI her. #8 always need to HANG OUT with PRETTY girls. #9 cannnot stand not getting ATTENTION. #10 born BIATCH. guess who she is baa~ kinda obvious i know... hahahahahahs no offences "girl"... just typing from my HEART <3. ^.^ POSTED BY NATALIE AT
9:11 PM0 Comments
Monday, August 27, 2007
-.-... tmd... freaking prelim papers are back in hand... i mean like not back in hand larr... just got the marks back lor... -.-... marks are chao lan... shou bu liao!! hees... the maths paper's the hardest... plus i didn't get an [A]... wtf!!! now need stay back and listen to that mrs boey talk bs larr... and i got scolded by her today... just for something i didn't really do... -.-... she onli trust the freaking act cool i.d.i.o.t. larr... like WTF!!! B.M. tell her i shout... her mind is set... I SHOUTED! f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f. which ear did that freaking B.M. hear me shout huh? just hate me doesn't mean you need to do that maaa... -.-... simi B.M. ? B.S.M. is so much better lor... aiya... watever larr... thinking of it makes me wanna punch both the freaking anyhow believe B.S.M.teacher and the freak-ass B.S.M. himself... arghhh.... watever. watever. watever. SHUD-UP. SHUD-UP!!! POSTED BY NATALIE AT
4:24 PM0 Comments
Monday, August 20, 2007
wahahahahahah... spent the whole day... nearly whole... REVISING! like wat the hell... >.< first time... i'm seeing myself actually reading the books... HOHOHOHO! i'm looking down upon myself... i understand... ^^ nothing much happen today lor... school was boring! ah boey keep talking talking talking... *yawns* -.- ohh... the exhilirating thing is that.... i got 95% for my maths test... and errr... 29/40 for my compo... quite good le lorr... but my maths test is so not brain-used... i kinda copied... opps? hahahaahs... so tomorrow is prelim english... first and second paper... -.- i kinda forgot all about the compo thing leee... die. die. die. >.< i dunno how write the letter to your dumb friend or something... ahahahahahahaha... 死了咯! >.< watever it is... still awaiting tomorrow to come... still looking forward to the exams... cross my fingers.hope it's easy_____; >.< POSTED BY NATALIE AT
10:35 PM0 Comments
Sunday, August 19, 2007
this is the dumb spiderpig thing... hahahs... it's dam cute... MUST WATCH!
wahhh... this tuesday got prelim english leee... -.- so fast... on friday the dumb english oral... i suck larrr... >.<
lalalala... PSLE oral chinese just ended... HOHOHO!!! chao chaim cann!? >.< the teacher dunno from which school de lar... like from st. andrews and kuo chuan like that... but dunno larr... watever it is... at least i'm over it... but tomorrow still got freak-ass english... ENGLISH LER! -.- xi wang bu hui chu shi arrr... nothing do now nia... dun feel like revising over those dumb english oral stufff... hohoho... >.< !!!! shittt... tomorrow english i FIRST niaa... oh my god... die die die die die... watever... i dunno wat say le lar... POSTED BY NATALIE AT
12:30 PM0 Comments
Monday, August 06, 2007
lalala... i'm working on my class blog again... hehes... just hope it'll get back to its normal state... just hope baaa... so... everyone is preparing for the prelims... butt... as for mee... i'm still totally not studying... ekks? watever larr... i will pass de lor... [hope so] if i dun pass hor... i go EM3 larr... but i'm absolutly sure that wouldn't happen... ^^ veri confident de me! you people out there jiayou baa... the prelims are harder than PSLE... so pass that with flying colours... pass your PSLE with gliding colours... lols... as in the marks will be better larr... hehes... enough of chit-posting... >.< CHIONG HOMEWORK! POSTED BY NATALIE AT
4:36 PM0 Comments