"hate me.love me"
wat does that mean seh.
if you hate someone.
won't you hate that person for eternity?
and if you love someone.
won't you love that person always?
hate = [verb.]"feel intense dislike for or a stronger aversion towards."
[noun.]"(x)intense dislike; strong aversion."
love = [noun.]"(x)an intense feeling of deep affection."
"(x)love personified,often as the Roman god [Cupid]."
"(x)a person or thing one loves."
[verb.]"feel a deep romantic attachment to,like very much."
why all of the sudden write this seh?
thursday coming le.
the day of hell.
"getting results"
i nothing write le.
no mood too.
last few words. . .
i've turned into a real arsehole this few weeks.
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