this post consist of lotsa YESTERDAYS XDD
YESTERDAY DE YESTERDAY AT NIGHT , was talking to branwen on the phone , yue hao TOMORROW[ as in the YESTERDAY ] go MOS study HISTORYYYYYYYY ~
(: (; (: (; (: (; (: (;YESTERDAY DE MORNING , met BRANWEN at MOS at 10 in the morning . we're like retards giving up their sleep . i was tired , i was very tired . XDD then she come le , bought something to eat , then tadadadada ! the books came out (: we were really studying , getting all the information into our little pea brain , which totally suck at any cause in remembering any shit . i was alittle fustrated by it , nearly feel like whacking every little thing i see & slamming the goddam book into the frigging athour . i mean WHAT THE FUCK ! after we studied from 1030 to 0215 at least , we set off for the ARCADE !!! relaxation is always so pleasing . (: we played basketball , but both of as suck core , highest was 40 . MEMEME ! then we played the BishiBashi or something , the pick-up game . there was this one aunt hors , like everytime wear same clothes one , go there play like some siaogina . saw her holding three big bags of soft toys . the last time i saw her , one . & she was wearing the same black & white strip silky shirt . DAM , she could definitely spare some of those toys to the needy . HAHAHHA ! BRANWEN tried it but to avail . we went to play the finding differences game , racked my brains mad ! on the way out , we saw SHIJIE lors , with his friend . like 03+ , he ask us wehther want go study together , so we did . 05+ , i needed to go home , so i went home .
TODAY ! [ yes , we have finally reach the part which is present (: ] had history examination larhhs . in the morning still chionging to revise , even assembly sun shining into my eyes also read . guaii rights ? XDD actually is stupidity of no confidence ~but the paper turned out well (: everything that i learned came out . so yeahhs , think i can pass it quite well . yays !
Alrightys , so the only paper left are CHINESE , ENGLISH & MATHS ehhs ? goody ! LESS STRESS ! I'M SO HAPPYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ~ :D:D:D
2:28 PM