(: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (:
today was absolutely boring ~ MELISSA didn't come for guzheng cause she was going to malaysia ==" so i was left all alone . played rather well today , didn't get scolded :D BERLINDA was frigging cute today too ! LOLLL she played the " gong " then last part lao shi everytime tell her softer than the starting one , she always hit dam loud . SUPER FUNNY ! HAHAHAHHA ~ walked home after guzheng , met DADDY downstairs so walked the dog with him at the park . (:
walius , some people dam kan nana sio , just now bathing that time curse them like siao [ i know it's like dam bad XDD ] , come online , mood went black . lan pa -.- DAM YOU LARHS !
6:55 PM