BOO-GI !!! (:
School is getting better nowadays, aside from the depriving of sleep. I LOVE MY LIFE NOW~!
Science was about the great knowledge of LIGHT. LOL! Drawing the mirror planes can really be darn annoying and idiotic. MISS LAU TOOK MY HANDPHONE AWAY ): I HAD TO LIVE WITHOUT IT FROM THE START OF THE DAY TILL 3PM. HARD MANZ!
Mother Tongue was all about composition. I wrote till it's darn long-winded. But I'm sure some others did worst. HAHAHAH! YAY!
Maths was all about the review of expanding the algebric expressions & then the first test paper. I didn't score too badly. So that means my tuition help (: HAHA! I got like the 3rd in class, with two other people. One of them is a shocking, so very unbelievable one. Oh wells, people do buck up ehs?
PE was very tiring. I was in the push-up position for so long, my arms hurt!!! Circuit training is still not very much my thang~
History, I HATE HISTORY, for how the teacher teaches. He doesn't go by the book, so it's rather confusing. But overall, he is a kind peronality teacher, so I guess that's the only good point.
After school was boring. Had lunch at the primary school, then went back to get my phone from Miss Lau. She made me write this really crappy shit about promises. But I wrote it, & she filed it, so I have to abide by it. Sometimes, switching off the phone for a period of time isn't that bad. XD Rehearsal on the award-ceremony day. The sun is sure bright & sunny~
9:31 PM